Web Development Company in Singapore

In the current year and the upcoming one’s web development / mobile app development will take a very drastic changing look in the world of development. Many things have changed from the past to present, in the previous decade the “JAVA” is the only language that has ruled over the world but in the present era the popularity of the java has been reduced to some extent and some new technology has been introduced. In this post we will discuss some of the emerging technologies.

For the smooth development of any website/web app, we need a good stack of technology that we can use to make a dream come true in the face of the desired website/web app or any mobile application as well.

In the previous days – java for the backend and js and one of its frameworks is used by freelance web developer to build any application and sometimes ASP.net was also a popular one to make it happen.

Nowadays all the things have changed new backend languages have come into the market which makes the use of java a little low and maybe can take over it in the future.

The good selection of the stack for web development is a crucial part so here will going to see some good stuff for the stack selection.


It consists of three important layers that are used over here –

1. Server-Side Software.
2. Set or cluster of API.
3. Database to store the data related to the software.

Now to develop all these we need a tech language and its web framework which is used to develop the application, some awesome languages and its web frameworks are –

1. Node.js

It’s an open-source and free javascript runtime environment that offers a much easier and best way to develop things in a great manner. It’s best for developing real-time applications but if we came to some complex computation it is not suggested to use.
Some of web frameworks are-
• Meteor
• Express.js
• Koa.js
• Sails.js
• Hapi.js

2. Python

Python is a high level interpreted languages which is a general-purpose programming language, but nowadays it is trending into the market as apart from web development it came into use with many purposes like ML, AI, Data Scrapping, and many more and when it came to the web development part it has some good level of the extent to develop low level or high level of the application easily. Some of its web frameworks are –
• Django
• Flask
• Tornado
• Pyramid

3. Java

Java is a language which is in the market for a very long run and its a general-purpose language which is compiler-based and gives a bytecode in the response which is a high-level optimized set of instruction in the java which is also called JVM, its most popular web frameworks are –
• Spring Framework
• Spring Boot
• Vaadin
• Grails

4. Ruby

Ruby is a very sensitive language, it is the language that makes a balance between and the functional and imperative language. It is a dynamically typed language so it does not have any hard rules As we are talking about Ruby so we can’t leave Rails apart as Rails is using by many and many worldwide which makes many problems easier in the life of the development.
Few web frameworks are –
• Ruby on Rails
• Sinatra
• Padrino
• Nancy


A frontend is a very crucial part of web development which gives the structural view to our application. In the older times, we use JavaScript to make things smoother in the front part of the application but as time passes the framework for the frontend of JavaScript has been coming up into the market so nowadays these frameworks make things more convenient to make a single page application as well.
So some of the popular frameworks that are in use drastically are –

1. React.js
2. Vue.js
3. Angular.js
4. Vanila.js


In the modern era, the code deployment on the cloud gives the application a very big benefit the deployment, here we are having some good cloud options where the deployment can be done :

1. AWS
2. Azure
3. Google Cloud Platform
4. Oracle Cloud
5. Digital Ocean

With the use of these services/platforms, it gives vital benefits to the deployment and gives the user a good experience.

If you are looking for freelance web developer and mobile app developer feel free to connect with us for a free consultation!

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