Manual Testing is a type of Software Testing where testers can execute test cases manually without using any automation tools. Manual Testing help to find bugs in the software system. Any new application must be tested manually before go through the automation testing at the website development company Singapore. It helps a tester play an important role in an end-user where they can ensure the correct behavior of an application. To confirm the completeness of testing, sometimes tester follows the test plan that leads them through test cases.

The process of verifying the software program or application or product:

• Meets technical requirements
• Meets the business requirements
• Works as excepted

STLC(Software Testing Life Cycle) is a standard procedure divided into different phases, followed by the QA Team or tester to complete all testing activities. Testers are ready with test cases and start with execution, as soon as the development phase is over. This helps the testers to find bugs in the initial phase only.

Testing can be done with the help of Black- box and White-box testing. White- box testing is defined as testing the software internal structure, coding, and design. In this testing, code is visible to the tester and verifying the flow of input and output. In black-box testing, the software is used to check the defects and is less concerned with how the processing of the input is done. In this, testers do not have access to the source code. They tested without looking at the internal code structure and have less knowledge of internal paths of the software.

Manual testing is an engineering method to identify both functional and non-functional defects in mobile application development as well. So testing can be further divided into Functional and Non-Functional testing. Functional testing is a quality assurance testing. These functions are tested by giving them input and examine the output. Non-Functional testing is to check the non-functional aspects of a software application. It includes performance, compatibility, load, stress, reliability, etc. of the system. Non-functional testing is equally important as functional testing and also affects the client satisfaction.

In the software testing application, Manual Testing plays a vital role. While doing manual testing, the tester needs to be creative & patient. Testers need to play the role of end-user & execute all the test cases as per the end-users point of view.

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