The most popular Content Management System (CMS) is WordPress. WordPress Security is just like the security for your house or flat.
When you leave home, you lock the doors and close the windows, right? Why wouldn’t you do the same for your WordPress website?
After all – just like your place of living, it also represents a sizable investment in time, effort, and often money.

1. Select a Good Hosting Company:

The simplest way to keep your site secure is to go with a hosting provider who provides multiple layers of security.

2. Don’t Use Nulled Themes:

A nulled or cracked theme is a hacked version of a premium theme, available via illegal means. They are also very dangerous for your site. These themes contain hidden malicious codes, which could destroy your website and database or log your admin credentials.

3. Set up a website lockdown feature and ban users:

A lockdown feature for failed login attempts can solve the problem of continuous brute force attempts The site gets locked whenever there is a hacking attempt with repetitive wrong passwords, and you will get notified of this unauthorized activity.

4. Use two-factor authentication for WordPress security:

Introducing a two-factor authentication (2FA) module on the login page is another good security measure. It can be a regular password followed by a secret question, a secret code, a set of characters, or more popular, the Google Authenticator app, which sends a secret code to your phone. This way, only the person with your phone (you) can log in to your site.

5. Update WordPress and Its Components regularly:

With any new release, WordPress gets improved and its security is improved too. Lots of bugs are fixed every time a new version comes out. If you don’t update, you will be at risk.

6. Rename your login URL:

By default, the WordPress login page can be accessed easily via wp-login.php or wp-admin added to the site’s main URL. You can add a security question to the registration and login page or change the admin login URL.

7. Hide wp-config.php and .htaccess files:

For improving your site’s security, it’s a good practice to hide your site’s .htaccess and wp-config.php files to prevent hackers from accessing them.

8. Install a WordPress Security Plugin:

A security plugin takes care of your site security, scans for malware, and monitors your site 24/7 to regularly check what is happening on your site.

9. Use a Strong Password:

Passwords are a very important part of website security. If you are using a plain password i.e. ‘123456, abc123, admin’, you need to immediately change your password.

10. Install SSL Certificate:

SSL is mandatory for any sites that process sensitive information. By using an SSL, the sensitive information is encrypted before it is transferred between their browser and your server, thus making it more difficult to read and making your site more secure. Freelance Web Development Singapore can do it for you.

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